Sunday, January 04, 2009

From The Deck

Had a dusting of snow last night and some of it hung around all day. Has been chilly here but nothing like the 20 we got down to last month. The top of Cape Lookout wore its white cloak all day.

Twas cloudy at sunset

but I was able to capture some of the eye candy

and then the light of a crab boat out on the other side of the spit. I see these lights bobbing in the ocean many nights - checking their crab pots.

(its that tiny speck of light).


  1. Hi Suzanne... hopped over here from Hornery Bastard's...
    Wow, i love your photography! and you live in such a beautiful reigon...

    Loved your humor in your profile; just wanted to say 'hey', and look forward to eyeballing more of your "candy"...


  2. thanks for stopping by cygnus

    glad ya enjoyed eyeballing my candy - am looking forward to hearing your comentary on 'em
