Walter Trout concert on Nov 8, 2006, in Berlin. Awesome playing - his guitar forkin cries on She Takes More Than She Gives. Wow.

Passing on the smooch of the Excellence in Blogging Award that Busted bestowed upon me:
Angry Black Bitch - Shark-Fu says more with a cough and a blink than I could ever hope to be able to say. She's on my daily must reads.
Alicia's Last Left Before Hooterville is also on my daily reads. She's befriended my wee blog many times and ohmystars, she has a book coming out! Alicia describes herself as Musician by trade. Wife of one, mother of three, stepmom of one. Concierge of two Burmese cats who think they are dogs and a Dalmatian/Great Dane dervish of a dog. She plays a wicked B3 and since Token thinks he is part cat, Alicia and I have bonded (laughing).
egregious - who could not love someone who saves babies in Russia with her medical charity, has picked up and moved clear across the country (and a lot closer to me now) and is always inspiring me to be more 'more' - all while wearing fabulous shoes.
Outta the Cornfield - I came for the eye candy (and cause busted recommended it) and stayed for the wonder views on life. Yep, on my daily must read.
ET's Progressive Alaska needs a shout out too. And not because he has offered to take me fishing when I get up to Alaska and always answers my silly questions about weather up in his little slice of heaven. He's making change happen up in Alaska and is my go to guy for all things Alaska politics.
The QC Report. Quinn had me hooked with the first Lulabelle the cat post I read. She now has a dog in addition to having a full plate with Consort and Daughter and also has a book coming out. (I'm sensing a trend here).
Tales of the Freeway Blogger. His messages are seen by thousands driving on the freeways across America and have inspired others to no longer remain silent. Scarlet P inspires me to speak up.
Dr. Hillhouse's The Spy Who Billed Me is where I go for contractor info at the CIA and all the other alphabet soup agencies. Someone has to try to keep track of the outsourcing of our national security and she is an expert. She has a page turner of a book out (see I told ya there was an unintended trend here).
TRex - who taught me how to roar and let me sit on his shoulder.
I know the E's are supposed to go to smaller blogs but ya don't get much smaller than my wee blog. I do have to include FireDogLake and skippy the bush kangaroo on my E for Excellence list - they are Excellent.
Suzanne -- thanks for your words of encouragement. Much needed.
ReplyDeleteThat didn't hurt so bad, did it.
ReplyDeleteA fine list and a couple I have never heard of and will peruse now.
Also a good reminder of some I know about and need to go see again like Trex.
This is a good deal because I tend to get in a rut.
OTC thanks you Suzanne for the kind comments and the video on the next post is very good!
ReplyDeleteOne Fly
Bless your heart, Suz! Thanks! Now off to share the luv!
ReplyDeletethanks busted - not at all :)
ReplyDeletesharing the love is a good thing.
once i got into it, i found i had more blogs that i wanted to highlight than the 'rules' called for.
perhaps i'll do a part duece...