Tuesday, July 22, 2008


My buddy, bigbrother, has been sharing stories during Late Late Nites over at the lake about his dog, Blackjack. Since he did not have any pictures of Blackjack to link to, I offered to post a couple of pictures here.

He sent me the pictures and here is what he said:

Here is a couple picures of Blackjack: one in his habitat and one in sick bed. Note the smile


Blackjack is a very loved dog. Here are some more:

Blackjack doesn't get around well anymore so bigbrother made this to use as a cart for blackjack to use to get down to the bay and on the water.


  1. Anonymous9:24 AM

    Hey BB Blackjack reminds me of my good friend's Dog Tucker Bear, my Tucker's best friend. Keep giving giving him the love I know you are doing and make him comfortable in his old age.

  2. hey nahant -

    if ya click on name/url you can type in NAHANT and not be annonymous no more

    tucker is coming up on the 3rd?

  3. Anonymous2:53 PM

    He is waiting with baited breath to go and visit his buddy Token! Will see you then with da chili!!
