Sunday, August 22, 2010

Birds In The Creek

Another day with birds on the bay. This time, they were hanging out in the creek in the same spot the eagles like to wash up when the tide comes in -- but the tide was going out. They were feeding on something -- sticking their heads and chest into the creek leaving their buts stuck up into the air, and then back to floating.

Closer view of the creek.

As always, if you click on the picture and open it up in another tab, you can then click on the larger picture in the new tab and make the picture even bigger.


  1. LoudounLib10:15 PM

    That's a nice, peaceful way to spend some time -- watching those birds feeding in such a beautiful setting :-)

  2. twas a very peaceful day ll. i could feel myself relax standing on the deck, the sunshine warming me while i was listening to the birds.

    the barn swallow nest over the deck has a second brood -- the babies are too small to peer over the nest edge but i can hear their peeps. the parent birds constantly travel to and fro, swooping up to the nest and then diving back down towards the creek.

  3. LoudounLib10:37 PM

    Watching the bird families raising their young is fun too! I miss the bird house we had at our old workplace; year after year we'd watch the sparrow families raising their young 'uns from the birdhouse someone put up years ago. This spring we were able to watch a family of some kind of bird (small, black birds, very cute) raising their family from an opening in the shelter we have in our courtyard at the new workplace.

    We seem to be some kind of bird sanctuary at the new workplace, what with all the new trees around and the pond out back, and the hundreds of geese too!

  4. oh LL that sounds lovely. what a wonderful view you have at work -- you can look out back and take that oh so needed mental break that looking at nature can give.

  5. LoudounLib10:56 PM

    It is a nice mental health break Suz -- if I'm lucky enough to find myself alone out back, I go to the shelter and do that FDL breathing exercise that Petro taught us, and listen to the bird songs...ommmmm! ;-)

  6. Birds and water and sunshine and peace - inspires me to a new meditation: ommmm nommmmm nommmmm!

    Thank you for this. It's the perfect way to end a night!

  7. hey dana -- today is totally fogged in. i love the changeability of the weather here. california weather was boring.

  8. Same for AZ weather. When it comes to unremitting sunshine, absence definitely does make the heart grow fonder!

  9. Gosh I love yer blog, why don't I visit more often, huh?

  10. hey teddy -- yes indeed -- why don't you :)

    you can visit in person too yanno now that you are closer
