Monday, August 16, 2010

Amazing Grace

Amazing Grace by Rhema Marvanne. Amazing Grace is one of my mom's favorite songs and she sent me a link to this little girl singing it a month or so ago. Her voice sends chills up and down my spine. I had been saving it -- today is the day it is needed.

My grandma died this morning. She was 94.

Rest in Peace Ida Spurlock.

My cousin Brett made the video that is linked to when ya click on my grandma's name. It is on Facebook and I don't know how to embed it here. You can hear my grandma talk on the video and there are pictures of grandma with all her kids, her grandkids, and great-grandkids.


  1. I never knew my Grand Folks for the most part, they all died while we were overseas.

    I had my Dad's mom, live with us in San Mateo.

    She was 84 or so, when she died.

    A racist, from Indiana. Mom at times wouldn't let us play cards with her.

    Mom HATED her, for that matter, for her racist ways.

    I've always like my mom for that. *G*

    Bless her heart.

    Sigh, granny's.

    So different, in different families.

    Yers was better I can tell.

    Bless her, her's, and all of you's.

    When it's there, Family Is Everything.

    My heart out to ya, for yer loss, Suzanne.

    My heart out to ya.

  2. And dang, just read Busted lost his job.

    We all need a break methinks.


  3. thanks larue -- she had a very hard life and yet never let that get her down. my mom is flying back for the funeral (at the family cemetery on the former family farm -- the family still has rights to the cemetery) in kentucky. my aunt rita (my mom's sister) passed august 1st... its been a rough month

  4. Sorry to hear this Suzanne. I have none left but 94 is a very good run for your grandmother and I find her to have a very interesting name.

  5. thanks onefly - indeed grandma had a long life. interesting name in what way?

  6. Saying very special prayers for you and the girls, your mom, and your grandma. She has certainly earned a long, peaceful rest Suz.

    I still talk to my Nonni, who some say has been gone for 19 years. But we know better.

    Michael McL

  7. thanks michael *smooches*

  8. LoudounLib11:40 PM

    Oh Suz, I'm so sorry that you lost your grandma -- sending huge hugs! Grandmas are so precious, and such a special part of our lives...keeping you and yours in my thoughts tonight.

  9. thanks LL for both the hugs and kind words.

  10. One of the best memorials I've ever seen is one of those "In memory of..." benches at Juanita Bay. There's one to a pair of folks, and it says, "It was a good ride." I hope both your Grandma Ida and your Aunt Rita could say the same.

    All the love in the world and the biggest hug imaginable to you, my dearest Suzanne!

  11. thank you dana. after 2 deaths in the family 16 days apart, i'm now waiting for that third shoe to drop...

  12. Don't think that way, Suzanne. Things happen in whatever size group they happen in. You've had enough bad happen for a while.

    Sorry I haven't been by this week, and I'm very sorry for your loss.

  13. thank you cujo

    i see by dana's pictures that you had a wonderful time being intrepid travel companion up in olympic. i do wanna get up there at some point and do some sightseeing myself.

  14. My condolences on your family's loss, Suzanne.

