Today marks One Thousand Days left in this Administration.
One Thousand Days before there is hope for America.
One Thousand Days before we have a chance to salvage what is left of our Constitution.
One Thousand Days in which this Administration continues to try to deny women control over our own bodies.
One Thousand Days more of the tarnishing of America and America's reputation in the eyes of the world.
One Thousand Days of "fighting them over there so we don't have to fight them here".
One Thousand Days of my government torturing people in my name.
One Thousand Days of troops without proper equipment.
One Thousand Days of illegal wiretapping of Americans without a court order.
One Thousand Days of selective leaking to selected reporters of untruths.
One Thousand Days of swift-boating anyone who speaks out against this Administration.
One Thousand Days of secret renditions to secret prisons.
One Thousand Days more of failing to abide by the Geneva Covention.
One Thousand Days of tax cuts for the wealthy and ignoring the needs of those in need.
One Thousand Days of America being sold to the highest bidder.
One Thousand Days.
I used to associate that term with JFK. Now Bush has tarnished even that.
Suz, A gorgeous post. Love the countdown clock! H&K