Monday, November 02, 2009

Saying Goodbye Is Hard To Do

Woke to the sad sad news that my buddy Katymine passed. She was a relentless advocate of health care issues and a good friend. FDL asked me to write about her -- that post is at this link.

There is a hole in my heart.


  1. Anonymous5:25 PM

    Suz, thanks for passing along this sad info. Katymine's was one of the many voices I always paused to read. I'm sorry for your personal loss. Skeptic

  2. The good ones are always harder. I'm sorry Suzanne.

  3. I'm so sorry Suz... I'm sure she is no longer in pain and happy you wrote about her even though it was hard for you. HUGS!

  4. LoudounLib8:17 PM

    Suz, your post at the Seminal is beautiful, and so are everyone's comments. Katy deeply touched all of us, one way or another, and I'm honored to have engaged in conversation with her over the years. She will be missed.

  5. Aye, my eyes are leaking again but I take great solace knowing that Molly Ivans has a new friend.

    I was very lucky, I got to actually sit next to our katymine without getting slapped.

    RIP Baby.

  6. thanks all. if you haven't left a comment on the seminal post please do so. katy's passing leaves us to carry the torch for her. she should not have had to fight cancer and her insurance company at the same time. katy was accepted for social security disability insurance because her cancer left her unable to do her job -- she was an RN who managed complex cases. she knew early on she was terminal and yet the federal rules said no medicare until one has been on ssdi for 18 months.

    katy did not last 18 months.

    health care is a basic human right, just as clean water, healthy food, and a decent education are. our government let katy down -- left her to fight her insurance company for the treatment she so desperately needed when she could have been putting that energy to use fighting her cancer.
