Tis another gray wet day here at the peaceful retreat by the bay. Another day to putz around inside and enjoy the warmth of the fire. Another high surf advisory and high wind warning for tonight and tomorrow. Weather dood says 100% chance of rain today and tomorrow but it is a warmer system than the one earlier this week. Weather dood also says that this weekend is going to be sunny.
Wind was blowing last night but not as strong as we've experienced since we moved up here. Token was not liking the sound the wind makes but he wasn't barking at it or being fussy and whiny as he has done with other windy storms. He is getting used to our new life in Oregon and has been exploring the acreage here more -- he likes doing down to the little stream that runs into the creek on the other side of the studio and jumping back and forth across the stream. Needless to say, he is wanting to hang out inside today and does his necessary business out in the elements very quickly and then scurries back inside and makes a beeline for under the wood stove.
Currently 48 outside and the lows tonight should be in the low 40's. Picked up 2 and 1/4" of rain so far this week bringing the total rainfall since October 1st to 48.52 inches.
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