Yay! My coffee pot died Sunday and it came back to life today. The dishwasher, which was also discovered dead that same morning has not resurrected - yet. It's gotten down pretty cold at nite - the lowest I recorded was 20 - and I don't know if the cold had anything to do with it but both died the morning that I first woke up to snow.
Today, the snow is melting and my coffee pot decided to make coffee. I had been heating water on the stove and, while waiting for the water to heat, was putzing around the kitchen. For shits and giggles, I pressed the start button on the coffee pot (just as I had done every day since it died) and the forking green light came on and it started making that wonderful coffee brewing sound.
Contented Sigh.
Pure bliss.
My landlord knows about the dishwasher but travel between the Portland area and here requires chains. I recommend a good towing policy also (laughing). The nightly news here has shown, every day this week, vehicles having to be pulled back onto the highways running between Portland and the North Coast after sliding off the roads. The little cottage by the creek in the redwoods did not have a dishwasher so I am well acquainted with the by hand method. I let them know there was no rush when we were emailing back and forth.
Another storm is predicted to hit tomorrow night. Weather and road conditions permitting, I may attempt to go into Tillamook tomorrow and finish my Christmas shopping, mail some things, and stock up on some perishables I'm running low on - milk, bread, eggs kinda stuff, and, of course, stop by High Tide and pick up a well deserved latte. If the roads are iffy, I'll just run into Netarts to the little grocery store there and Santa will have to wait until I can get over the hill to Tilly for presents.
Gonna call Gary the wood guy and order a cord - or maybe two if I can figure out where to store the second cord - for delivery between Christmas and New Years. I've been going through the half cord he delivered earlier this month - its been forking c-c-cold outside but very toasty inside.
The picures up top are ones taken various days this week. The night snow photo I took last nite. After we came inside, you can see where Token headed.
Six inches of snow with a half inch of solid ice on it and I can hear ice pellets hitting the side of The Rat Hole as I type, my dad could hear it over the phone.
ReplyDeleteThis sucks.
They will not let you drive in Portland without chains, period. My brother and his wife were visiting my folks in Vancouver and he had to go buy some for her car. They are going from Vanvouver to Hillsboro to Tigard and then a little town called Veneta between the coast and Eugene today..
I am talking to the Big Guy upstairs to keep an eye on 'em.
I have to go to work in this shit tomorrow, seventeen miles one way. We shall see.
It is supposed to keep up until after Wednesday, I just may cancel Christmas, it sure as Hell isn't worth getting killed over.
Stay warm honey.
dang busted - i hope you are staying warm in the rat hole. the katu folks just said all the coast highways are closed - 26, 6, 18 are closed due to fallen trees/ice and they are currently evaluating 20 to decide whether or not to close it. if they do, there is no way to get from here to there nor back again.
ReplyDeleterain here all day - about an inch worth - not bad, just a steady drizzle. i saw a break in the clouds on the other side of the spit that gave me hope ... but it closed back up again.
i'll be adding my voice to the big guy hounding him to keep both eyes on your kin.
i'm warm and dry inside and the only time i go out is to get more wood - which i combine with token's efforts to save trees.