Sunday, October 29, 2006

Groovin' (On A Sunday Afternoon)

Couple of updates: The white van found with the two bodies inside was not related to the white van involved in the murder of Sacramento County Deputy Jeffrey Mitchell.

My visit with my mom and step-dad was wonderful. The chicken pot roast was a big hit and even though I forgot the cinnamon in the baked apples, they also turned out great. We spent Thursday afternoon into the evening eating and talking and catching up. My step-dad got tired so my mom took him back to the motel Thursday night and came back to spend another hour or so here before heading back to the motel to get some sleep herself.

I was up early (for me) and we spent Friday together until they had to head over the hill to San Jose to check into their hotel and have dinner with my brother. My oldest baby girl made arrangements to meet with them Saturday morning.

She reported back they had a wonderful time. She brought her dad, whom my mom had not seen since oldest baby girl graduated high school. My brother had not seen her dad for 20 years or so. There was a lot of catching up to do! They had breakfast at the hotel, and then went to a park to walk around so they could all continue chatting.

I'm still smiling here at the little cottage on the creek in the redwoods. Was really really good to see my mom and step-dad again. I'm thinking that when the little cottage on the creek in the redwoods is listed, I'm going to do a road trip - head down to see them for a little while - during which time Mary will be bringing other agents and possible buyers to see it. Might even head down to see my favorite Hollywood blonde.

The maples and other deciduous trees up here are finally turning. Lots of yellow showing in the green curtain around me. No pictures yet because I'm waiting for a wee bit more color (and hopefully some maple red) first. The redwoods stay green but most everything else changes.

KO said is best with regard to Michael J. Fox. The UTube never did show up so this time I am cutting and pasting all that coding to get KO's segment. It really is worth watching, even on dial up.

I've turned the leftover chicken pot roast into a stew and made a pot of rice. I'm going to dish up a plate of rice with the stew spooned over it to go with the biscuits that are ready to come out of the oven. We've been getting down into the high 30's at night for the past 3 nights. I'm ready for some cold weather food.

UPDATE: It WAS afternoon when I wrote and first tried to publish this post. Lord knows when Blogger will come up again. It has been going up and down all weekend. I try to keep in mind the old adage that one gets what ya pay for but dayamitalltohell, this is getting frustrating.

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